What I Believe:

Increasing employment opportunities within the Sheriff's Department is crucial to enhancing community safety. By doing so, we can significantly improve our response capabilities during critical incidents, leading to lower crime rates and a greater sense of security for residents of Dallas County. Furthermore, investing in our officers and staff through comprehensive training and professional development programs will equip them with the necessary skills to perform their duties effectively. This investment enhances their job satisfaction and career growth and promotes a highly competent and dedicated workforce fully committed to serving our community.

What I Will Do:

As a committed Sheriff, I am dedicated to improving the Sheriff's Department and providing opportunities for career advancement for its personnel. My ultimate goal is to make Dallas County more resilient through various impactful measures. This involves expanding our team, offering comprehensive training programs, promoting fair compensation, and fostering meaningful partnerships that unite the community. By confiding in me, we can work towards creating a safer community, making progress, and ensuring the well-being of those who serve and help others. Let's join hands and build a promising future where the Sheriff's Department offers numerous opportunities that benefit all residents of Dallas County.

ISSUESDanny Schwaber